In line with our philosophy of exceptional service we can provide access to a number of carefully selected wealth management professionals around the world, who possess the necessary expertise to handle certain aspects of our client's investment requirements. This includes tax planning, general legal matters, estate planning and specialist investment strategies. We have worked diligently to establish relationships with a select group of highly qualified attorneys, CPA’s and investment managers in order to provide you with choice, professionalism and access to what can be a complicated world. This is no-cost, value-added service provided by Mayfair Chan for our invitation-only members.
同步于我們卓越的服務理念以及私人银行理财的专业背景。我们有伦敦,纽约,日内瓦,香港 精心挑選的私人银行家以及信托管理,包括税务规划,一般法律事務,遗产和投资。同时我们有一批顶级的律師行,註冊會計師和投資經理,以便为我们的会员服务。