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Exclusive Shopping


We will escort you to Europe’s most exclusive department stores and boutiques giving you fashion advice and special discounts. If something is sold out we will undertake a global search and have it delivered to your door.


We specialise in ready to wear fashion, jewellery, tailoring, watches, handbags, cars, diamonds and much more.



我们多年建立的关系网络 可以保证您享受到最顶级的私人购物体验, 无论何种购物体验,无论是逛百货商场 或者精品旗舰店 再或者是足不出户的上门新品展示。我们的购物专家都会一一按照您的意愿安排您的购物之旅, 从还未上架的新品服饰,或者是折扣专享所有品牌的珠宝手表,再或者是已经售罄的限量单品,我们都会帮您全球网络搜索。
我们的合作公司Shangde LTD 可以保证您购买的珠宝与手表是全球最有竞争力的VIP价格。

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